The Maritime community has shown just how deeply it cares about the IWK, pledging a record-breaking $6,719,186.35 in support of the 35th IWK Telethon for Children on CTV. The live broadcast from the IWK Health Centre in Halifax and remote locations in Sydney, Saint John and Charlottetown wrapped up on Sunday, June 2nd.
This year, the Great Big Dig, presented the IWK with a cheque for $552,000! Stanhope Simpson Insurance is a Gold Sponsor of the Dig and our president, Victoria Stanhope, is a member of the Steering Committee. Although she wasn’t able to attend the telethon this year and missed out on the photo below, we wanted to share this good news story, as so many of our employees, clients and insurance partners attend the Great Big Dig every year.

Steering Committee for the Great Big Dig
We are already looking forward to the Great Big Dig this year, on November 9, 2019. Hope to see you there!